Hi, I am having a problem trying to create a rule on a view and keep getting ERROR: DefineQueryRewrite: rule plan string too big. I've looked though the mailing list and docs and have seen mentions that the limit of a rule is 8192 characters. The rule (see below) is no more than 600 characters as it is and the error still appears even when all the whitespace is removed. Is this correct and if so what is the actual limit for the length of a rule? I am currently using PostgreSQL 6.5.3. Thanks. -- -- Rule to INSERT & add correct date -- CREATE RULE customer_insert AS ON INSERT TO customers DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO customer_table VALUES (NEXTVAL('customer_seq'), new.company, new.forename, new.surname,LOWER(new.username), new.password, new.address1, new.address2, new.address3, new.town, new.postcode, new.day_phone, new.evening_phone, new.fax, new.mobile, new.package, current_datetime(), current_datetime(), new.suspended, new.suspended_date, new.deleted, new.deleted_date, new.comments); Regards, ---[ Neil Burrows ]----------------------------------------------------- E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | You're only young once, but Web : http://www.remo.demon.co.uk/ | you can stay immature forever -------< PGP Key available from http://www.remo.demon.co.uk/pgp/ >-------- ************