On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Fabrice Scemama wrote:

> I'm currently trying to install Postgres 6.5.3 on my Alpha ev56
> proc. I'm using gcc 2.95.2, and this is a glibc 2.1.2 system (RH6).
> Everything's brand new, so as to maximize chances (hope).
> I've configured --with-template=linux_alpha, and the making
> worked fine. But when launching initdb, postgres hang, complaining
> about spin.c (l.114).
> Any idea, someone ?

        Yea, run over to http://www.rkirkpat.net/software/ (my site) and
grab the Linux/Alpha patches for 6.5.2. They apply cleanly to the 6.5.3
tarball, and when compiled, produce binaries that work great. Either that,
or go to http://www.ramifordistat.net/postgres/ and grab the SRPM and
compile it (includes patch). If you don't really want to compile them,
wait a day or two and I should have some Linux/Alpha RPMs compiled and to
Lamar (the owner of the RPM site).
        Without these patches, pgsql will not run out of the box on
Linux/Alpha. Hopefully it will in 7.0 a few (?) months from now.
        If you hit any more problems with getting pgsql running on your
Linux/Alpha box, feel free to email me.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |


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