On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Moray McConnachie wrote:
> I don't see implement SELECT DISTINCT in views on the To Do list?
> I'm using 6.5.2, and on doing
> CREATE VIEW blahview AS SELECT DISTINCT bleurgh,blaagh FROM blah;
> I get
> ERROR: DISTINCT not supported in views.
> However, the \h command in psql gives
> CREATE VIEW view_name AS
> etc.
> I can't find the bug report form on the WWW to submit a bug report for
> psql on this. The FAQ merely says
> 1.13) How do I submit a bug report?
> Fill out the "bug-template" file and send it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No indication of how to get hold of the bug-template file...
$ locate bug.template
So it looks like the doc directory of your source distribution tree
might be a good place to start looking. Or just do a find / -name
bug.template -print.
Bob Kline