When you say "system", I'm assuming your talking
about the server? And when you say "reinstalled" I'm
assuming your talking about PostgreSQL?
If this is the case, did your reinstallation start
the server with the -i switch to allow for TCP/IP
Can you telnet into the server and access PostgreSQL
through psql?
If you can telnet into the server and access the
database locally, its either a missing -i switch or
a bad pg_hba.conf entry.
Hope that helps,
Mike Mascari ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
--- Andrew Higgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed postgres some time back and all was
> working just fine. I
> wrote a programme in Delphi using the odbc driver
> (ver 6-40-0006). I
> could connect and add and remove etc from the
> database. Then the system
> had a bad power night and went down three times. Now
> I cannot connect to
> the server at all. I have reinstalled twice since
> then but it just won't
> work.
> I have checked my pg_hba.conf file and I am listed
> in it. I have set
> logging on at the client side and this is what it
> throws at me :
> conn=45482104, SQLDriverConnect(
> fDriverCompletion=0
> DSN info:
> conn_settings=''
> translation_dll='',translation_option=''
> Global Options: Version='06.40.0006', fetch=100,
> socket=4096,
> unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254,
> max_longvarchar_size=8190
> disable_optimizer=1, ksqo=1,
> unique_index=0,
> use_declarefetch=0
> text_as_longvarchar=1,
> unknowns_as_longvarchar=0,
> bools_as_char=1
> extra_systable_prefixes='dd_;',
> conn_settings=''
> CONN ERROR: func=SQLDriverConnect, desc='Error from
> CC_Connect',
> errnum=101, errmsg='Could not connect to the server'
> henv=46534528, conn=45482104, status=0,
> num_stmts=16
> sock=46534544, stmts=46534584,
> lobj_type=-999
> ---------------- Socket Info
> -------------------------------
> socket=-1, reverse=0, errornumber=4,
> errormsg='Could not
> connect to remote socket.'
> buffer_in=45488432, buffer_out=45492532
> buffer_filled_in=0, buffer_filled_out=0,
> buffer_read_in=0
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards
> Andrew Higgs
> ************
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