In a discussion with a local Linux enthusiast we were discussing which
would be better for a small website project to be driven by PHP and hosted by
nix/nuz and apache.  I have seen that Mysql does not support unions,
transactions, subselects.  PostgreSQL supports subselects and transactions. I
don't know about unions.  In any case
performance is not an issue because of size of project so primary considerations
would be:

1.  learning curve/ease of use/functions supported
1b. quality of documentation
2.  reliability  
3.  availability of prewritten apps for reuse 
4.  others overlooked?

Also, while looking at the PostgreSQL website we noticed this curious
comment at the page containing their comparison chart against competitors which
omitted Mysql.

"This comparison is only a comparison of RDBMSs so MySQL is missing. It may be
added at a later date. "

PostgreSQL Features Comparison Chart -

It would appear that  Mysql is not a "RDBMS". Anyone know what it is lacking
that causes it to not be?

Are there major differences in indexing support between the PostgreSQL and

If there is anything sensitive about any of this please email me directly.  

Scott Perkins, Atlanta, GA  770/973-3860
Director, VULA (Vintage Ultra and Lightplane Assoc.)

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