Holm Tiffe wrote:
> Hi,
> there are several rumors about logging from radiusd to pgsql in this list;
> my question is now, has anyone already done that ?
> We wish to do our accounting from an Ascend Max and the authorisation with
> postgresql, and I don't want to reinvent a wheel.
> If so, are the changes to radiusd publically available ?
> Holm
> --
> FreibergNet Systemhaus GbR      Holm Tiffe  * Administration, Development
> Systemhaus für Daten- und Netzwerktechnik           phone +49 3731 781279
> Unternehmensgruppe Liebscher & Partner                fax +49 3731 781377
> D-09599 Freiberg * Am St. Niclas Schacht 13    http://www.freibergnet.de/
> ************
Go look at the patches section of Cistron Radius.  I have been using
this in a production environment with both authentication and accouting
going to postgres.  I believe the patch there is sufficient, i have made
a lot of custom tweaks and maybe after cleaning things up will release
it to the tigers :-)


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