Could you please post the schema and query?
Also, I'm assuming you VACUUM on a regular basis?

Mike M.

--- Bill Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've searched the list archives and read the FAQ,
> neither of which seem to
> describe my current situation:
> I'm running Linux 2.2.10 on a production webserver,
> along with PostgreSQL
> 6.5.1 (in RPM format from  My
> main database is a set
> of names/addresses/etc. tables for our membership,
> about 60,000 records
> apiece, with indexes in all the right places. 
> Whenever I run any sort of
> involved query, the postmaster process kicks into
> CPU-eating mode; even
> after I've made sure no more queries running
> (including the original),
> postmaster/postgres processes keep the system at a
> load average of 3 and
> rising; the only way it seems to subside is if I
> kill and restart
> postmaster, which is obviously a problem ^_^;;
> Is this a weird OS/dbms/query combination bug, or am
> I just doing
> something horribly wrong?

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