On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:

> > The July issue of sys admin has a feature on Perl for DBAs.
> > This is actually better coverage than you get in most perl
> > Shall I fax you a copy?
> Yes, please :-)

I could do that...of course, Kaare, you'd have to buy me a pint.
I hope to be at a conference in Paris next spring...maybe I'll
stop by.  Or we could meet in Antwerpen.  ;-)

> I'd like to ask if it's on the web?

Not yet.

BTW, this is not any advanced code, it is basic, `how do I connect'
stuff.  But it is clear and correct - unlike what you see in `Advanced
Perl Programming'.

The reason I mentioned it to Jeff is that he's in Sales and it's good
to see Pg mentioned (albeit indirectly) in one of the trades...it is 
a pet peeve that MySQL and mSQL get all the press.  I suppose they
are decent databases and deserve coverage but postgres beat out both
of them in my shop.  I wish Tim O'Reilly would notice that lots of
use _rely_ on postgres...

How goes the accounting project?  I had to refocus on my clinical 
software as we have dumped all proprietary databases (shut down our
last PROGRESS database yesterday) and I have lots of code to write.
Speaking of which --- back to work!

------- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center -------

Thomas Good                                   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:                  tomg@ { admin | q8 } .nrnet.org
                                          Phone: 718-354-5528  
                                          Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

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