
I'm using Large Object to store images and displayed them on the fly. I never found
any problems and it
is very quiet. "When Postgre starts using large objects it is going to make a lot
of noise." ???

You can also generate XML on the fly or what you want with Perl or other CGI stuff,
simply using all your
differents fields.

Concerning the back-up of BLOB, I have a reference for each object and export each
of them in a crontab
with their reference as name. Of course OID are lost but you really don't need them
! All works fine again !

I have done a Perl script for regexp search into all text fields stored in my
database from a www interface.
It's very simple but it also works fine. I do a AND search with all given keyword
and if nothing is found I
do a OR search. This not very powerfull but I can do better the day I win some time
:-) I don't know about
search into BLOB.

So, I have thousand of hit each month on a P90 with 16 Mo of RAM (really not
enought) it's slow but
for 6 months now I didn't found any problem and my server log file is empty.

I'm doing a little modification now because all images stored as Large Object are
not cached by proxies
so it's very expansive for my bandwich (64Ko). So I only store the path of the
image and save the images
as normal files.


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