It maybe done with next syntax;
drop sequence_name;
create sequence sequence_name start start_no;
But, if you want to increment the sequence_no by one manually, then;
select nextval('sequence_name');
==========ooOO /. .\ OOoo======================================
Dept. of Neurosurgery |
Masan Military Hospital |
Hanil-Town 201-2007, Yangduk2-Dong| Phone: +82-551-299-2624
Hwoiwon-Gu, Masan-Si, Kyungnam | O.P. : +82-551-271-2318
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Valerio Santinelli wrote:
> I've exported a table from an existing MSAccess database to my
> PostgreSQL db.
> I use a serial ID on the table and now I'm getting errors when I add a
> new entry in the table if i don't specify the ID by hand (which should
> be placed automatically by the db since it's a serial).
> The exact error is this one:
> Cannot insert a duplicate key into a unique index.
> I think I should set the "last_value" field in the sequence to my real
> last value aon the ID field of the table, but Idon't know how to do it.
> Is there anybody who can help me ?
> Thanks