>>>>> "WC" == Wim Ceulemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
WC> I find the above interesting and I've tried something similar that won't
WC> work.
WC> I have two tables defined as follows
WC> create table test1 (id1 int,link1 int);
WC> create table test2 (id2 int, field2 varchar(5));
WC> where link1 is a foreign key of test1 that should be linked to id2 of test2
WC> Now when I execute the following query:
WC> select id1,field2,link1 from test1,test2 where test1.link1=test2.id2
WC> union
WC> select id1,NULL,link1 from test1;
WC> I always get the following error:
WC> Each UNION query must have identical target types.
WC> Why this error, and what does it mean?
Pehaps this is a bug fixed in 6.4 version? I saw this message when
before upgrating to 6.4. You can modify query so:
select id1,field2,link1 from test1,test2 where test1.link1=test2.id2
select id1, -1, link1 from test1;
where -1 is value non present in field2 domain.
Anatoly K. Lasareff Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior programmer