On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 10:22 AM Marc Millas <marc.mil...@mokadb.com> wrote:
> Hi, > on a Postgres 16 DB running on a redhat 8.5 x86 machineI want to input > some data using copy from stdin > so.. more that 700 000 lines goes well. > Then the flow contains a single line: \. > to my understanding this means end of the copy > I just tested this on PG 16.8. No backslash. $ psql TAP -Xc "copy public.job_notification TO STDOUT;" https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/sql-copy.html "End of data *can be* represented by a single line containing just backslash-period (\.)." "the end-of-data marker (\.) or the null string (\N by default)." > but, Postgres generates an error : > invalid input syntax for type numeric "\." > then the 2 lines stating the copy command that was executed. > > what am I missing ? > COPY is expecting something after the backslash. -- Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce. Don't boil me, I'm still alive. <Redacted> lobster!