Yes thank you, I have tried specifying the port at the CLI too... that did
not help.

But restarting PostgreSQL in my
custom /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
has helped, even though I am not sure if it is the best way:


LANGUAGES="de en fr nl pl ru"

createuser --username=postgres words

psql --username=postgres -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO words;"
psql --username=postgres -c "ALTER USER words PASSWORD 'mypassword';"

for L in $LANGUAGES; do
    createdb --username=postgres --owner=words words_$L
    cd /dict/$L && psql words_$L < words_$L.sql

# Restart PostgreSQL to make it listen at localhost too
pg_ctl --options "-c listen_addresses='localhost'" --wait restart

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