Hello, I am currently using PostgreSQL 11.10 and would like to know if the CVE-2024-10979 vulnerability affects this version. If it does impact my version, I would like to know which version I should upgrade to.
- CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact on PostgreSQL 11.10 김주연
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact on PostgreS... Adrian Klaver
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact on Post... 김주연
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact on Post... Subhash Udata
- CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact on Post... David G. Johnston
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability Impact... Subhash Udata
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability I... Ron Johnson
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability I... Adrian Klaver
- CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability I... David G. Johnston
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnera... Adrian Klaver
- Re: CVE-2024-10979 Vulnerability I... David G. Johnston