Thanks for the suggestion of directly updating the system catalog, that may
be the “best” option.

“*Most likely your query is not exactly the same as the check constraint.
Think about NULL and similar.*”

No that’s not sufficient to explain it. The SELECT is obviously the
negation of the check constraint, so there is a difference there. But
besides that, it’s very clear that Postgres does not make use of indexes
while validating constraints. I suspect it doesn’t involve the query
planner at all.

On Fri, 15 Nov 2024 at 15:28, Torsten Förtsch <>

> On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 9:38 AM Philip Couling <> wrote:
>> Is there a solid reason why adding a check constraint does not use
>> existing indexes for validation.
>> We are currently looking at partitioning a multi TB table leaving all
>> existing data in place and simply attaching it as a partition to a new
>> table. To prevent locking, we are trying to add an INVALID check constraint
>> first and then validate it.
>> I can trivially prove the invalid constraint is valid with a simple
>> SELECT which will use an existing index and return instantaneously. But
>> AFAIK Theres no way to mark a constraint as valid without scanning all the
>> rows.
> Most likely your query is not exactly the same as the check constraint.
> Think about NULL and similar.
>> This operation is really problematic on a production database with heavy
>> IO load.
>> Is there a solid ready why validating check constraints cannot use
>> existing indexes? If I can prove the constraint is valid so trivially with
>> a SELECT, then why can Postgres not do the same (or similar)?
> Here is what has worked for me many times:
> 1. create the check constraint as NOT VALID. From now on no new or updated
> row is allowed to violate it.
> 2. check if the constraint holds with a query on a binary replica. Make
> sure the query starts only when the constraint is visible on the replica.
> 3. on the master: UPDATE pg_constraint SET conisvalidated=true WHERE
> conname='your_constraint_name' AND conrelid='schema.table'::regclass
> How you perform step 2 is irrelevant. Checking it on a replica would
> simply avoid the load on the master. You just need to make sure there is no
> conflicting data in the table.
> WARNING, you need to be damn sure of your data if you do that. But if you
> are, it works.
> Here is the procedure how I solved the same problem for some of our
> multi-TB tables (PG14):
> The table has a column called transaction_time. We wanted to partition by
> that column. For some historical reason the column did not have a NOT NULL
> constraint. However, there was no way our processes could insert NULL in
> that column and there was no row with NULL in that field. So, first was to
> add the NOT NULL constraint:
> ALTER TABLE my.table
> ADD CONSTRAINT transaction_time_not_null CHECK(transaction_time IS NOT
> UPDATE pg_constraint
>    SET convalidated=true
>  WHERE conname = 'transaction_time_not_null'
>    AND conrelid = 'my.table'::REGCLASS
> RETURNING conname, conrelid::REGCLASS, convalidated;
> Now for cosmetic purposes we first turn the check constraint above into a
> normal NOT NULL constraint:
> SET LOCAL client_min_messages = 'debug4';
> -- expecting this message
> -- DEBUG:  existing constraints on column "table.transaction_time" are
> sufficient to prove that it does not contain nulls
> ALTER TABLE my.table
>       ALTER COLUMN transaction_time SET NOT NULL;
> RESET client_min_messages;
> ALTER TABLE my.table
>       DROP CONSTRAINT transaction_time_not_null;
> If you set client_min_messages to something like debug4, then the database
> tells you if it wants to scan the table or if existing constraints are
> sufficient to prove the condition.
> transaction_time in our case is never in the future. Also database
> transactions are short-lived. Nothing exceeds 30 seconds. So, I can trust
> the effect of any action performed more than 30 seconds ago in the database
> is visible.
> So, I set the time after which new rows go to the new partition at least
> 10 minutes from now at the next hour boundary. 30 seconds would be good
> enough. I chose 10 minutes just for extra safety.
> SELECT date_trunc('hour', now()+'1h 10min'::interval)::timestamp AS
> switch_time\gset
> Next comes the actual change:
> -- rename the existing table
> ALTER TABLE my.table RENAME TO table_old;
> -- drop triggers. We will recreate them later.
> DROP TRIGGER ... ON my.table_old;
> -- create partitioned table
> CREATE TABLE my.table (
>     LIKE my.table_old
> )
> PARTITION BY RANGE (transaction_time);
> -- recreate triggers
>    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION my,trigger_fun();
> -- create the partition for future rows
> CREATE TABLE my.table_current PARTITION OF my.table
>   FOR VALUES FROM (:'switch_time') TO ('infinity');
> -- and some indexes and FK
> ALTER TABLE my.table_current ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
> CREATE INDEX ON my.table_current (...);
> ALTER TABLE my.table_current
>   ADD CONSTRAINT fk_name
>       FOREIGN KEY (...)
>       REFERENCES ...(...) ON UPDATE ... ON DELETE ...;
> -- now attach the old table as partition
> ALTER TABLE my.table_old
> ADD CONSTRAINT partition_boundaries
> CHECK('-infinity'<=transaction_time AND transaction_time<:'switch_time')
> -- for procedural reasons we know the constraint is valid. Let's make PG
> believe it too.
> UPDATE pg_constraint
>    SET convalidated=true
>  WHERE conname='partition_boundaries'
>    AND conrelid='my.table_old'::REGCLASS
> RETURNING conname, conrelid::REGCLASS, convalidated;
> -- now attach it. We use again debug4 to check if the table scan is
> avoided.
> SET LOCAL client_min_messages = 'debug4';
> -- expecting
> -- DEBUG:  partition constraint for table "table_old" is implied by
> existing constraints
> ALTER TABLE my.table ATTACH PARTITION my.table_old
>   FOR VALUES FROM ('-infinity') TO (:'switch_time');
> RESET client_min_messages;
> -- drop the now unnecessary constraint
> ALTER TABLE my.table_old
>  DROP CONSTRAINT partition_boundaries;
> Once the new partition gets too full, we will use a similar procedure to
> adjust the partition boundary of the new partition and then create the next
> partition.

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