On 2024-10-16 23:20:36 +0530, yudhi s wrote:
> Below is a query which is running for ~40 seconds.
> In the execution path below , the line number marked in bold are the top lines
> for the IN and NOT IN subquery evaluation and they are showing "Actual time" 
> as
>  Approx ~9 seconds and ~8 seconds and they seems to be summed up and the top
> lines showing it to be ~19 seconds. Then onwards it keeps on increasing with
> other "nested loop" joins.
> Note:- This query is running on a MYSQL 8.0 database. So I'm wondering if 
> there
> is any mysql list similar to Oracle list , in which i can share this issue?

The execution plan looks like a postgresql execution plan, not a mysql
execution plan. Did you run this query on postgresql? That may be
interesting for comparison purposese, but ultimately it is useless: You
won't get mysql to work like postgresql, and any tips to speed up this
query on postgresql (which is all you can expect on a postgresql mailing
list) probably won't work on mysql.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
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| |   | h...@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
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