Just out of curiosity, what's the use case for this?

Clay Jackson
Database Solutions Sales Engineer
office  949-754-1203  mobile 425-802-9603

From: Jacob Biesinger <jake.biesin...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 4:28 PM
To: pgsql-general@lists.postgresql.org
Subject: serializable master and non-serializable hot standby: feasible set up?

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I've been going back and forth with the GCP CloudSQL engineering team about the 
feasibility of a particular setup, and I'm pinging the list here hoping for a 
sanity check. They assure me that it's impossible and I think they must be 
mistaken, but I have limited experience administrating my own postgres 
instances. So I'm appealing to a higher authority :)

The docs 
 that a hot standby / replica with the flag  
`default_transaction_isolation='serializable'` is going to cause issues -- 
while you can connect to such an instance, basically every query against it 
will fail.

But! If you can somehow manage to get the replica's flags to instead use 
`repeatable read` or  `read committed` isolation, everything seems to work 
well, even if the master uses `serializable` isolation. In GCP, we are having 
to temporarily swap the master to a lower isolation level, then stand up the 
replica and pin the lower isolation level flag, and then finally revert the 
flag change on the master. If the replica goes down, we have to repeat this 
process and it's a pain (not to mention data issues since our app relies on 
this isolation level instead of doing explicit locking in most cases).

So I know this is an awkward question to post here, but as postgres admin 
professionals, *would you* expect to be able to stand up a `repeatable read` 
replica against a `serializable` master? My expectation is that you'd simply 
change the setting in a .conf file on the replica and be good to go; is there 
something that would make this process really difficult / impossible?

Thanks so much!

[1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/hot-standby.html
Jake Biesinger

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