On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 12:53 AM Peter J. Holzer <hjp-pg...@hjp.at> wrote:

> > Thank you so much.
> > I was expecting method-3(batch insert) to be the fastest or atleast as
> you said
> > perform with similar speed as method-2 (row by row insert with batch
> commit)
> Oops, sorry! I wrote that the wrong way around. Method 3 is the fastest.
> I guess I meant to write "method2 takes about twice as long as method3"
> or something like that.
As in case of batch insert below is the fastest one as it inserts
multiple rows in one statement. Similarly I understand, Delete can be
batched as below. However, can you suggest how an Update can be batched in
a simple/generic fashion in JDBC for an input data stream with multiple
input values. As because for an update if we write as below , it will just
do one row update at a time?

Update <table_name> SET column1=?,   column2=?, column3=? where
<PK_Column>=? ;

INSERT INTO <table_name> VALUES  (1, 'a'), (2, 'a'),(3,'a');
Delete from <table_name> where column_name  in (<value1>,

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