On 10/2/24 02:37, Pecsök Ján wrote:
Ok, I replaced names of tables and columns and here is the query
explain (analyze, verbose, settings, format text) create table
dm.v_Table6_T_111111111 with (fillfactor = 100, parallel_workers = 20,
autovacuum_enabled = false, toast.autovacuum_enabled = false) as select
, df_Table3_key
, df_Table4
, null::varchar as ID3Table5
, EH.IDTable5
, EH.ID2Table5
from dm.v_Table1_KT as VHS
left outer join dm.v_Table5 as EH using (df_v_Table5_key, df_Table3_key,
where VHS.df_Table4 = any ('{T}')
and VHS.df_Table4 = 'T' and VHS.df_Table3_key = 111111111;
I'm thinking it would be better to do something like:
create table dm.v_Table6_T_111111111 as select ... with no data
to create the table structure.
Then use COPY or batch INSERT to move the data into the table.
S pozdravem
*Ján Pecsők*
Tychonova 2, 160 00 Praha
Mobil: +420 775 942 871
jan.pec...@profinit.eu <mailto:jan.pec...@profinit.eu> www.profinit.eu
Adrian Klaver
Adrian Klaver