
On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 10:22 PM yudhi s <learnerdatabas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have to update a column value(from numbers like '123' to codes like 'abc' 
> by looking into a reference table data) in a partitioned table with billions 
> of rows in it, with each partition having 100's millions rows. As we tested 
> for ~30million rows it's taking ~20minutes to update. So if we go by this 
> calculation, it's going to take days for updating all the values. So my 
> question is
> 1) If there is any inbuilt way of running the update query in parallel (e.g. 
> using parallel hints etc) to make it run faster?
> 2) should we run each individual partition in a separate session (e.g. five 
> partitions will have the updates done at same time from 5 different 
> sessions)? And will it have any locking effect or we can just start the 
> sessions and let them run without impacting our live transactions?

Do you have any indexes?
If not - you should, if yes - what are they?

Thank you.

> UPDATE tab_part1
> SET column1 = reftab.code
> FROM reference_tab reftab
> WHERE tab_part1.column1 = subquery.column1;
> Regards
> Yudhi

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