On Wed, 4 Sep 2024 18:19:47 +0530
yudhi s <learnerdatabas...@gmail.com> wrote:


> In postgres database , we have all the tables with audit columns like
> created_by_user, created_timestamp,updated_by_user, updated_timestamp. So
> we have these fields that were supposed to be populated by the time at
> which the insert/update operation happened on the database but not at the
> application level. So we are planning to populate the created_by_user,
> created_timestamp columns by setting a default value of "current_timestamp"
> and "current_user" for the two columns,  but no such this is available to
> populate while we do the update of the row, so the only option seems to be
> through a trigger.

If you can live with the fact that updated_by_user and updated_timestamp get 
the same values as created_by_user and created_timestamp when inserting the 
record, then you can do :

vv=> create table audit (created_by_user text default current_user, 
created_timestamp timestamp default now(), updated_by_user text default 
current_user, updated_timestamp timestamp default now(), data text);
vv=> insert into audit (data) values ('abc');
vv=> select * from audit;
 created_by_user |     created_timestamp      | updated_by_user |     
updated_timestamp      | data 
 vincent         | 2024-09-05 19:17:53.446109 | vincent         | 2024-09-05 
19:17:53.446109 | abc
(1 row)

--as user postgres
update audit set updated_by_user = DEFAULT, updated_timestamp = DEFAULT, data = 

vv=> select * from audit;
 created_by_user |     created_timestamp      | updated_by_user |     
updated_timestamp     | data 
 vincent         | 2024-09-05 19:17:53.446109 | postgres        | 2024-09-05 
19:24:01.19186 | def
(1 row)

                                        Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron 

Logiciel de suivi des contentieux juridiques, des sinistres d'assurance et des 

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