Since nobody more knowledgeable has replied...

I'm very interested in this area and still surprised that there is no
official/convenient/standard way to approach this (see

Based partly on that thread, I ended up with a script that connects to both
ends of the replication, and basically loops while comparing the counts in
each table.

On Fri, 30 Aug 2024, 12:38 Michael Jaskiewicz, <> wrote:

> I've got two Postgres 13 databases on AWS RDS.
>    - One is a master, the other a slave using logical replication.
>    - Replication has fallen behind by about 350Gb.
>    - The slave was maxed out in terms of CPU for the past four days
>    because of some jobs that were ongoing so I'm not sure what logical
>    replication was able to replicate during that time.
>    - I killed those jobs and now CPU on the master and slave are both low.
>    - I look at the subscriber via `select * from pg_stat_subscription;`
>    and see that latest_end_lsn is advancing albeit very slowly.
>    - The publisher says write/flush/replay lags are all 13 minutes behind
>    but it's been like that for most of the day.
>    - I see no errors in the logs on either the publisher or subscriber
>    outside of some simple SQL errors that users have been making.
>    - CloudWatch reports low CPU utilization, low I/O, and low network.
> Is there anything I can do here? Previously I set wal_receiver_timeout
> timeout to 0 because I had replication issues, and that helped things. I
> wish I had *some* visibility here to get any kind of confidence that it's
> going to pull through, but other than these lsn values and database logs,
> I'm not sure what to check.
> Sincerely,
> mj

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