Hi there! We have a setup where, for compliance reasons, we hoist a portion of data from several "tenant" databases into a "root" / common / untenanted DB. Through the magic of postgres_fdw, row triggers, and distributed transactions, we automatically hoist the needed columns into the untenanted DB whenever there are changes in any of the tenant DBs. The root DB is never written to outside of these triggers, and act as a sort of cross-tenant index.
I'm scratching my head at a few rows in the root DB, where it seems the corresponding tenant transaction rolled back, but the root DB transaction committed -- there is no row in the tenant but the root DOES have one. I don't have a smoking gun just yet, but this is not the first time we've seen this issue. Before I jump into particulars, does this sound like expected behavior? We run SERIALIZABLE txn level everywhere (set at the cluster level). Thanks so much in advance for any insights here! Here's my setup: ## info + cluster-level flags GCP cloudsql postgres version: 15.7 default_transaction_isolation: serializable ## The tenant DB: CREATE TABLE "devices" ( "orgId" TEXT NOT NULL, "patientId" TEXT NOT NULL, "deviceId" TEXT NOT NULL, "data" JSONB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("orgId", "patientId", "deviceId") ); ## The root DB: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "devices" ( "orgId" TEXT NOT NULL, "patientId" TEXT NOT NULL, "deviceId" TEXT NOT NULL, "data" JSONB NOT NULL, "serialNumber" TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS ("data"->>'serialNumber') STORED, "status" TEXT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS ("data"->>'status') STORED, PRIMARY KEY ("orgId", "patientId", "deviceId"), CONSTRAINT "deviceIdMatches" CHECK ("data"->>'id' = "deviceId"), CONSTRAINT "patientIdMatches" CHECK ("data"->>'patientId' = "patientId"), -- Prevent duplicate serial numbers that are simultaneously "active" EXCLUDE ( "serialNumber" WITH = ) WHERE ("status" = 'active') ); ## FDW connection from tenant DB to the root: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgres_fdw; CREATE SERVER IF NOT EXISTS "fdw_server__root" FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS ( host '${instance-ip-address}', dbname '${root-db}', updatable 'true', truncatable 'false', keep_connections 'off' ); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR "${remote-user}" SERVER "fdw_server__root" OPTIONS( user '${remote-user}', password '$${PGPASSWORD}' ); CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS "rootDb"; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA "rootDb" TO "${user-name}"; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "rootDb" TO "${user-name}"; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA "rootDb" GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLES TO "${user-name}"; IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA "public" LIMIT TO (devices) FROM SERVER "fdw_server__root" INTO "rootDb"; ## Trigger setup on the tenant DB, hoisting rows when modified into the root table: -- Set up a trigger which hoists tenant devices into the rootDb CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hoist_devices() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $hoist_devices$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP IN ('UPDATE', 'DELETE')) THEN DELETE FROM "rootDb"."devices" WHERE "orgId" = OLD."orgId" AND "patientId" = OLD."patientId" AND "deviceId" = OLD."deviceId"; END IF; IF (TG_OP IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE')) THEN INSERT INTO "rootDb"."devices" ("orgId", "patientId", "deviceId", "data") SELECT NEW."orgId", NEW."patientId", NEW."deviceId", NEW."data"; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $hoist_devices$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER hoist_devices_insert_update_delete AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON "devices" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION hoist_devices(); ## A particular endpoint attempts insertions like: BEGIN; INSERT INTO "devices" ("orgId", "patientId", "deviceId", "data") VALUES ( 'org1', 'patient1', 'device1', '{"id": "device1", "patientId": "patient1", "serialNumber": "12345", "status": "active" }' ); COMMIT; -- Jake Biesinger