On 8/27/24 11:16 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 8/27/24 11:13 AM, Jean-Christophe BOGGIO wrote:
Le 27/08/2024 à 19:51, Torsten Förtsch a écrit :
I guess this query comes back non-empty:
SELECT * FROM paliers JOIN tmp_limitcontrats USING(idcontrat) WHERE
qtep1 >= qtep2
Yes, it is empty if I keep tmp_limitcontrats to idcontrat=1003
Otherwise, you are right, there are irregular data but not that I'm
concerned with in that particular case.
SELECT numrange( qtep1+1 , qtep2, '[]') AS rangep FROM paliers JOIN
tmp_limitcontrats USING(idcontrat) where qtep1+1 < qtep2
Actually that should be:
qtep1+1 <= qtep2
Adrian Klaver