On Thu, 2024-08-22 at 20:36 -0400, Arbol One wrote: > > After installing PostgreSQL on my Debian-12 machine, I typed > 'postgres --version' and got this msg: > bash: postgres: command not found > > 'psql --version', however, does work and gives me this message : > > psql (PostgreSQL) 16.3 (Debian 16.3-1.pgdg120+1) > > Obviously postgres is not in the path, but I don't know where the > 'apt-get' installed it or why it did not add it to the path. > > Is there a way I can locate the installation directory? > > Thank in advance. > >
find / -name postgres or dpkg-query -L postgresql-16 | grep 'bin/postgres$' You wouldn't normally invoke the server from the command line, so it doesn't need to be in anyone's path.