I'm digging into GiST indexes again, and ran into a helpful script here:


(This piece has shown up in many places in various versions.) I've adapted
the search a little, as I'd like to make it easier to explore available
index ops:

 SELECT amop.amopopr::regoperator                       AS operator,
        iif(amop.amoppurpose = 's', 'search','order')   AS purpose,
        amop.amopstrategy                               AS
stratgey_number -- I'd like to translate this into a description

   FROM pg_opclass opc,
        pg_opfamily opf,
        pg_am am,
        pg_amop amop

  WHERE opc.opcname        = 'gist_trgm_ops'
    AND am.amname          = 'gist'
    AND opf.oid            = opc.opcfamily
    AND am.oid             = opf.opfmethod
    AND amop.amopfamily    = opc.opcfamily
    AND amop.amoplefttype  = opc.opcintype;

| operator         | purpose | stratgey_number |
| %(text,text)     | search  | 1               |
| <->(text,text)   | order   | 2               |
| ~~(text,text)    | search  | 3               |
| ~~*(text,text)   | search  | 4               |
| ~(text,text)     | search  | 5               |
| ~*(text,text)    | search  | 6               |
| %>(text,text)    | search  | 7               |
| <->>(text,text)  | order   | 8               |
| %>>(text,text)   | search  | 9               |
| <->>>(text,text) | order   | 10              |
| =(text,text)     | search  | 11              |

What I'm hoping for is a function like
get_opt_class_strategy_description(optclass, straregy_number)  I've
looked at the source a bit, and it seems that there is no such
function, and that it might well be difficult to implement. The
strategy numbers are, as far as I can see, local to the specific
opt_class, which has no requirement to label them in any particular

Does anyone know if I'm missing something?

Along the way, I did find that you can often look things up by hand in
the source for specific tools, or review a lot of the strategies in
one place:


It's easier to use the docs at that point.

No lives hang in the balance here, but I'm hoping to learn something.

Thanks for any help or clarification.

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