On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:54 PM Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at>

> It is largely a matter of taste.
> The advantage of a trigger is that it works even if somebody bypasses the
> application
> to insert data.
> I think that triggers are easy to debug, but again, that's a matter of
> taste.
> Thank you David and Laurenz.

Creating triggers to populates some audit table or say populating data in
audit columns (created_by, updated_by,created_date,updated_date) is fine i
believe, however this use case was to load/persist data in table with SCD-2
style, so is it good idea to use the trigger for such use case?

Not sure of the exact pros and cons, but we were following certain rules
like , if it's business logic which needs to be implemented in Database,
then it should not be done using triggers but rather should be done through
database procedure/functions. Hope this understanding correct.


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