On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 5:59 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi  list,
> Thank you all for the great help and guidance, I am able to configure
>  pgbackrest with EPAS-16  and a Repo server both separate machines..
> Password less auth also worked well.   Backup and restore all fine.
> Query
> How can I make the   Reposerver   to host more than one EPAS-16 server
> instance's running on multiple nodes ?
You have to add different stanzas for different servers.

Kashif Zeeshan

> Having only one  /etg/pgbakrest/pgbackrest.conf file on the Repo Server
> how to specify stanza  name and  global  for multiple EPAS servers?
> My Repo Server:  cat /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
> ####################################################################
> [Demo_Repo]
> pg1-host=
> pg1-host-user=enterprisedb
> pg1-path=/var/lib/edb/as16/data
> pg-version-force=16
> [global]
> #### about the repository
> repo1-path=/var/lib/edb_BackupRepo
> repo1-retention-full=2
> repo1-cipher-type=aes-256-cbc
> repo1-cipher-pass=0oahu5f5dvH7eD4TI1eBEl8Vpn14hWEmgLGuXgpUHo9R2VQKCw6Sm99FnOfHBY
> process-max=5
> log-level-console=info
> log-level-file=debug
> start-fast=y
> delta=y
> repo1-block=y
> repo1-bundle=y
> [global:archive-push]
> compress-level=3
> ######################################################################
> 1. So if there are multiple   EPAS servers  running   on    different
> nodes,,   etc.  how to specify the   stanzas and
> globals for each  EPAS server in single (  /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
> )    on Repo server  ?
> 2.  Say there are  X numbers (say 10 EPAS servers from different geo
> locations)  of  EPAS servers  each has a daily growth of   aprox 1 GB/day
>  then   what should be the connectivity capacity parameters need to
> consider to cater the  archiving and replication by pgbackrest in a
> production environment to the repo server  ?
> 3. Also what will be the best backup  configuration  in a crontab  for
> achieving maximum RPO ? I mean zero data loss ?    ( incr or diff
> repetition intervals ?)  here my sample crontab, only for  full and diff
> (in lab setup)  but for  production env and for near zero data lost what
> configs needed in cron ?
> my sample cron here.
> [root@RepoServer ~]# crontab -u postgres -l
> 30  06  *  *  0 pgbackrest   --type=full    --stanza=Demo2   backup
> //  only on sundays
> 04  16  *  * 1-6 pgbackrest   --type=diff  --stanza=Demo2    backup
>  // on everyday diff
> [root@uaterssdrservice02 ~]#
> Thanks again
> Krishane
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 11:24 AM azeem subhani <azeems...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> passwordless connection can be established using ssh key, and when you
>> don't specify the ssh key in command using -i switch:* -i
>> /path/to/your/private/key*
>> You simply need to set the SSH key as the default key which I have
>> explained earlier, how to do that.
>> As you are currently trying through following command, without specifying
>> an ssh key for passwordless connection.
>> From the EDB Postgres Advanced Server nodes
>> $ sudo -u enterprisedb ssh pgbackrest@backup-server
>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 10:06 AM Kashif Zeeshan <kashi.zees...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 6:10 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> Thank you all for your  inputs, I am trying pgbacrest with
>>>> Enterprised DB.  Locally pgbackrest works for  EDB but when I am trying for
>>>> remote repository I am facing an issue ( from the remote host to  EDB
>>>> server  password less authentication part )
>>>> Trying to  use a remote host  as Repo Server I am facing the issue of
>>>> passwordless  authentication(Public key private key).
>>>> 1.  From the EDB server  I  added the user pgbackrest directory and
>>>> generated ssh-keys and copied the id_rsa.pub   to  the Repo server
>>>> (pgbackrest user's .ssh dir with necessary permissions)
>>>> everything(passwordless auth) working to one side.
>>>> From the EDB Postgres Advanced Server nodes
>>>> $ sudo -u enterprisedb ssh pgbackrest@backup-server
>>>> This works from  EDB server machine without any issue(password less
>>>> auth works)
>>>> 2 But   from the reposerver
>>>> $sudo -u pgbackrest   ssh enterprisedb@EDB_Server_IP       unable to
>>>> do password less auth( Its asking password for enterpridb@EDB_Server )
>>>> How to do the passwordless auth  from the  Repo server to the EDB
>>>> server  for the default "enterprisedb" user of  EDB ? ( enterprisedb user
>>>> doesn't have any home dir  I mean /home/enterprisedb, so I am not sure
>>>> where to create .ssh dir and authorized_keys for  passwordless auth  )
>>> Please make sure that the passwordless connection is made between both
>>> from EDB Server to Repo Server and from Repo Server to EDB Server.
>>> For this you need to generate the  ssh keys on both EDB server abd Repo
>>> Servers and copy the id_rsa.pub from EDB Server to Repo Server and vise
>>> versa.
>>> I hope this helps.
>>> Regards
>>> Kashif Zeeshan
>>>> Any one who has already tackled this kindly guide  me on how to achieve
>>>> this .
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Krishane
>>>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9:07 PM Kashif Zeeshan <kashi.zees...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 5:21 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>>> I am trying pgbackrest(2.52.1)  with postgresql( version 16)  on  a
>>>>>> lab setup on RHEL-9. Both  PostgreSQL server and a remote Repository host
>>>>>> configured with pgbackrest and everything working fine as specified in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> documentation.
>>>>>> note:  here I am running postgres server and pgbackrest everything as
>>>>>> postgres user and no issues in  backup and recovery.
>>>>>> Query
>>>>>> 1. Is it possible to use  PgBackrest with  EnterpriseDB(EDB -16) for
>>>>>> the backup and recovery process? Or pgback works only with the community
>>>>>> PostgreSQL database ?
>>>>> It support both community PG and EDB PG.
>>>>>> [ when I ran  initdb script of EDB while installing EDB it creates
>>>>>> the enterpisedb  as user and edb as initial  database by the script. ]
>>>>> Enterprisedb is the default user created by EDB.
>>>>>> when I try to create the stanza on the EDB server it throws error
>>>>>> (pasted at bottom ).
>>>>>> NOTE:
>>>>>> I know that  my EDB  running on  port 5444 instead of  5432 and the
>>>>>> dbname = edb instead of postgres, and user as  enterpisedb instead of
>>>>>> postgres how to specify these changes in the stanza creation step if  EDB
>>>>>> Supports pgbackrest tool ?
>>>>> You can enter this connection information in the PbBackRest Conf file
>>>>> for the stanza you create for your EDB Instance.
>>>>> e.g
>>>>> [global]repo1-path=/var/lib/edb/as15/backups
>>>>> [demo]pg1-path=/var/lib/edb/as15/datapg1-user=enterprisedbpg1-port=5444pg-version-force=15
>>>>> Refer to following edb documentation
>>>>> https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/supported-open-source/pgbackrest/03-quick_start/
>>>>>> OR   Am I doing a waste exercise  [if pgbackrest won't go ahead with
>>>>>> EDB ] ?
>>>>>> Any hints much appreciated.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Krishane
>>>>>> ERROR:
>>>>>> root@uaterssdrservice01 ~]# sudo -u postgres pgbackrest
>>>>>> --stanza=OD_DM2 --log-level-console=info  stanza-create
>>>>>> 2024-07-17 17:42:13.935 P00   INFO: stanza-create command begin
>>>>>> 2.52.1: --exec-id=1301876-7e055256 --log-level-console=info
>>>>>> --log-level-file=debug --pg1-path=/var/lib/pgsql/16/data
>>>>>> --repo1-host=10.x.y.7 --repo1-host-user=postgres --stanza=OD_DM2
>>>>>> WARN: unable to check pg1: [DbConnectError] unable to connect to
>>>>>> 'dbname='postgres' port=5432': connection to server on socket
>>>>>> "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
>>>>>>         Is the server running locally and accepting connections on
>>>>>> that socket?
>>>>>> ERROR: [056]: unable to find primary cluster - cannot proceed
>>>>>>        HINT: are all available clusters in recovery?
>>>>>> 2024-07-17 17:42:13.936 P00   INFO: stanza-create command end:
>>>>>> aborted with exception [056]
>>>>>> [root@uaterssdrservice01 ~]#
>> --
>> Thanks
>> Azeem Subhani

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