H <age...@meddatainc.com> writes:
> Understood but how should formulate the initdb statement to accomplish what I 
> want on pgsql 16 since the syntax I used for pgsql 13 does not work in my 
> container?

You still haven't shown us the actual error message, so we're all
just guessing.

I will offer a guess though.  This *should* work, since Rocky 9
is a direct descendant of RHEL/CentOS 7.  The only reason I can
think why it wouldn't is that you haven't installed the OS package
that defines en_US.UTF-8.  Try doing "locale -a" and see if
en_US.UTF-8 is among the listed locales.

On my RHEL8 box, it looks like glibc-locale-source is what
provides most non-C locales.

                        regards, tom lane

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