On Thursday, June 27, 2024, Dhritman Roy <dhritman....@netcracker.com> wrote: > > This is my attempt to seek support at PostGreSQL.So, if I have broken any > protocols/rules or violated any code of conduct then please do forgive and > guide me. Thanks. > > The G is not capitalized.
> I know we can use FDW but our teams are right now considering dblink ( it > seems it is more performant when compared to FDW ) and we obviously do not > want to end up in a situation where we develop something in few months and > then we find that the PostGreSQL support is ending with a new version. > There is no deprecation note and they have co-existed for years now. Lacking the former, it isn’t going to just be removed for no reason, and there presently exists no reason to remove it. I cannot predict the future though. But IME it is exceedingly unlikely to happen. David J.