On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 5:31 AM yudhi s <learnerdatabas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> We have around 10 different partition tables for which the partition
> maintenance is done using pg_partman extension. These tables have foreign
> key dependency between them.  We just called partman.run_maintanance_proc()
> through pg_cron without any parameters and it was working fine. So we can
> see only one entry in the cron.job table. And it runs daily once.
> It was all working fine and we were seeing the historical partition being
> dropped and new partitions being created without any issue. But suddenly we
> started seeing, its getting failed with error "ERROR: can not drop
> schema1.tab1_part_p2023_12_01 because other objects depend on it"

Have you changed version lately of PG, pg_cron or pg_partman?  Or maybe
what pg_cron or pg_partman depends on?

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