Ron Johnson <> writes: > On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:28 PM WU Yan <> wrote: >> Simple query that uses the multicolumn index. >> postgres=# explain (analyze, buffers) select * from t where row(a, b) > >> row(123450, 123450) and a = 0 order by a, b;
> Out of curiosity, why "where row(a, b) > row(123450, 123450)" instead of > "where > a > 123450 and b > 123450"? That row() condition actually means "a > 123450 OR (a = 123450 AND b > 123450)", which is not the same. (It'd be a little clearer with two different values in the row constant, perhaps.) It does seem like there's an optimization failure here. I don't expect btree to analyze row comparisons exactly, but it's sad that it seems to be stupider than for the simplified case explain (analyze, buffers) select * from t where a >= 123450 and a = 0 order by a, b; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using my_idx on t (cost=0.43..4.45 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.001..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) Index Cond: ((a >= 123450) AND (a = 0)) Heap Fetches: 0 Planning: Buffers: shared hit=4 Planning Time: 0.081 ms Execution Time: 0.013 ms (7 rows) For that, it's able to see that the index conditions are contradictory, so it fetches no index pages whatever. regards, tom lane