Hi Experts, I would like to write a monitoring script that will check logical replication running on our setup. For that I would like to know when to alert when I see that replication slot is marked as active= false. I will probably need to know when it is a temporary state that I need to wait before I alert and when to alert immediately when I see the slot is inactive.
If the replication slot falls behind the primary server will it be marked as Active = false until the replica catches up? If so, can the lag size be configured that only if it crosses the threshold it will be marked as inactive. Will failure in the replica affect the active status of its replication slot? What are other scenarios that can cause it to be inactive. Thanks! IMPORTANT - This email and any attachments is intended for the above named addressee(s), and may contain information which is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender immediately and delete this email: you should not copy or use this e-mail for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any person.