Hello, Tables which have an identity column in Oracle when migrated to PostgreSQL, the data type of Identity column is changed to bigint from number by the tools. This causes the size of column to be reduced to max value supported by bigint which is way lower than the oracle number max. Secondly one has to change referencing columns data type as well.
What should be a better strategy for such transformations ? Sample tables CREATE TABLE Sales ( *transaction_id* NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE <maxvaluefornumberdatatype> INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOCYCLE customer VARCHAR2(100), transaction_date DATE, store_id NUMBER ); CREATE TABLE Sales_Details ( *transaction_id* NUMBER, item VARCHAR2(100), quantity NUMBER, price NUMBER, CONSTRAINT fk_transaction_id FOREIGN KEY (transaction_id) REFERENCES Sales(transaction_id) ); -- Regards, Muhammad Ikram