The full error reads: server closed the connection expectantly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. error: connection to server was lost PostgreSQL 16.2 I also believe it is a resource issue which can be rectified with a setting, but which setting? If you were updating 100 million records what settings would you adjust?
Here are the updates I am performing on the 100 million records: UPDATE table SET category_modified = UPPER(category); UPDATE table SET category_modified = REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(category_modified, '''','-'), '`', '-'), '\s{2,}', ' ', 'g') WHERE AND LENGTH(category_modified)>1 AND POSITION('--' IN category_modified)>0; UPDATE table SET category_modified = REPLACE(category_modified,' ','-'); UPDATE table SET category_modified = CASE WHEN category_modified IS NOT NULL THEN regexp_replace(category_modified, '[^a-zA-Z]$', '') ELSE NULL END; UPDATE table SET category_modified = regexp_replace(category_modified, '-{2,}', '-', 'g'); UPDATE table SET category_modified = SUBSTRING(category_modified FROM 1 FOR LENGTH(category_modified) - 1) WHERE LENGTH(category_modified)>1 AND category_modified LIKE '%-';