On Sun, Apr 7, 2024 at 9:32 AM Ayush Vatsa <ayushvatsa1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Functions in the view are executed with the privileges of the user
> executing the query or the function owner
> So does that imply to the function associated with the operators (both
> builtin and user defined) too.
> Basically wanted to know about this -
> > Now table x will be accessed (SELECT * FROM x) with
> "postgres" privileges but who will execute the
> > underlying function inside the ( > ) operator ? Is it postgres or alex?
An operator is a function invocation with special syntax.  So I expect that
sentence to apply.

If you want to confirm what the documentation says create a custom
operator/function that alex is not permitted to execute and have them query
a view defined by postgres that uses that function.

David J.

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