On 4/3/24 13:38, yudhi s wrote:
Hi All,
It's postgresql database version 15.4. We have a requirement in which
we will be initially moving full table data for 3-4 tables, from source
database to target(i.e. postgres) . Maximum number of rows will be
~10million rows in those tables. Then subsequently these rows will be
inserted/updated based on the delta number of rows that got
inserted/updated in the source database. In some cases these changed
data can flow multiple times per day to the downstream i.e. postgres
database and in other cases once daily.
What is the source database?
Can it be reached with a FDW?:
Can the delta on the source be output as CSV?
Want to understand , if we should use upsert(insert on conflict) or
merge statements or anything else in such a scenario so as to persist
those delta records faster in the target database, while making the
system online to the users?
Adrian Klaver