> On Mar 24, 2024, at 09:32, Thiemo Kellner <thi...@gelassene-pferde.biz> wrote:
> Am 24.03.2024 um 17:15 schrieb Christophe Pettus:
>> I think the point is that it's not really doing anything "silently."  You 
>> are asking for a PRIMARY KEY constraint on a column, and it's giving it to 
>> you.  One of the effects (not even really a side-effect) of that request is 
>> that the column is then declared NOT NULL.
> But don't you also request the database to have the column being nullable? 
> So, PG, at this point silently prioritises the request for the PK over the 
> request of the nullability. Does it not?

No.  The NULL is noise and is discarded.  PostgreSQL instantly forgets that you 
explicitly said NULL.  The difference between:

        CREATE TABLE t (i int NULL); -- and
        CREATE TABLE t (i int);

... doesn't make it to the point that the constraint is actually created.

>> The reason it doesn't give you a warning is that by the time it would be in 
>> a position to, it's forgotten that you explicitly said NULL.
> How can that be forgotten? This information ends up in the data catalogue 
> eventually!

See above.  The fact that the column can contains nulls is retained, but that 
you explicitly said NULL is not.

> I would agree if you had two separate statements there, but in the example it 
> were not two different statements but one single contradictory statement.

The answer to all of these is the same: NULL is noise.  It has no more effect 
than if you said:

        CREATE TABLE t (i int); -- Remember, "i" can contain NULLs!

> The issue however arose, because the statement said. "Please order me a blue 
> car painted in red." Hopefully, any single salesman should respond with 
> something like. "Dear customer, all very well, but it contradictory to have a 
> blue car painted in red. Do you want a red car or a blue one?"

The situation is much more like the customer saying, "I understand that the 
standard paint for this car is red, but I wish it painted blue instead."

Again, you can argue that PostgreSQL should remember that you explicitly asked 
for a NULL and generate a warning in that case, but that's not a trivial amount 
of work, since right now, that NULL is thrown away very early in statement 

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