Hello List,

i am playing with the idea to implement a job queuing system using PostgreSQL. To meet requirements the system needs to offer some advanced features compared to "classic" queuing systems:

- users can create new queues at any time
- queues have priorities
- priorities of queues can change at any time
- jobs in queues with the highest priority should be processed first

A simple schema could look like this:

   create table queues (
     id integer primary key,
     priority integer not null default 0

   create table jobs (
     id serial primary key,
     queue_id integer not null references queues(id)

Right now i am stuck writing an efficient query for dequeuing. This is what i 
got so far:

   insert into queues (id, priority) values (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1);
   insert into jobs (queue_id) select 1 from generate_series(1, 1000000);
   insert into jobs (queue_id) select 2 from generate_series(1, 1000000);
   insert into jobs (queue_id) select 3 from generate_series(1, 1000000);

Here is a simple dequeuing query that is super efficient, but ignores priority:

   select * from jobs limit 1 for update of jobs skip locked;
   --  id | queue_id
   -- ----+----------
   --   1 |        1
   -- (1 row)
   -- Time: 2.641 ms

This is my naive query obeying priority. This is very slow and i could not get 
it any faster:

   select *
   from jobs
   join queues on queues.id = jobs.queue_id
   order by priority desc
   limit 1
   for update of jobs skip locked;
   --    id    | queue_id | id | priority
   -- ---------+----------+----+----------
   --  1000001 |        2 |  2 |        1
   -- (1 row)
   -- Time: 1116.631 ms (00:01.117)

Here is the query plan:

  --                                                                QUERY PLAN
  --  Limit  (cost=66225.61..66225.63 rows=1 width=28) (actual 
time=1333.139..1333.142 rows=1 loops=1)
  --    ->  LockRows  (cost=66225.61..103725.61 rows=3000000 width=28) (actual 
time=1333.137..1333.139 rows=1 loops=1)
  --          ->  Sort  (cost=66225.61..73725.61 rows=3000000 width=28) (actual 
time=1333.110..1333.112 rows=1 loops=1)
  --                Sort Key: queues.priority DESC
  --                Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 111568kB
  --                ->  Hash Join  (cost=60.85..51225.61 rows=3000000 width=28) 
(actual time=0.064..660.317 rows=3000000 loops=1)
  --                      Hash Cond: (jobs.queue_id = queues.id)
  --                      ->  Seq Scan on jobs  (cost=0.00..43275.00 
rows=3000000 width=14) (actual time=0.027..253.868 rows=3000000 loops=1)
  --                      ->  Hash  (cost=32.60..32.60 rows=2260 width=14) 
(actual time=0.021..0.022 rows=3 loops=1)
  --                            Buckets: 4096  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 33kB
  --                            ->  Seq Scan on queues  (cost=0.00..32.60 
rows=2260 width=14) (actual time=0.011..0.013 rows=3 loops=1)
  --  Planning Time: 0.430 ms
  --  Execution Time: 1347.448 ms
  -- (13 rows)

Any ideas for a more efficient implementation?

Thank you for your time,

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