I am doing a talk at Postgres Conf about Postgres’s type system. I already 
asked about this and got some great responses:


Those responses discussed mostly gotchas with built-in types. Lots of good 
stuff, thanks, all!

But what *really* sets Postgres apart from comparable systems is user defined 
types. I would like to carefully lay out how to define and use a user-defined 
type (I don’t think I have time to dig into doing fancy stuff with C functions, 
so just the basic “user defined sum type”), but also any gotchas.

And I’d like to finish with some thoughts about when and how to use 
user-defined types. My feeling is that this feature is greatly under-used, 
mostly because it’s so non-standard. But AFAICT, user-defined types are fine 
and other than some ugliness due to SQL (mainly needing parentheses in some 
unexpected places), fields in a user defined type work perfectly well in 
Postgres’s SQL. I guess you’d need to pull them apart for values returned to 
clients, but that isn’t difficult.

So, any gotchas with user defined types? Any thoughts about designing with them?

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