On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 4:27 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> For the moment, I think the only feasible solution is for your trigger
> function to set the search path it needs by adding a "SET search_path
> = whatever" clause to the function's CREATE command.

The error is not in the function, it is the WHEN clause of the trigger.
There's no way to set a search path on the trigger as far as I see.

The only option I see is to remove the WHEN clause on the trigger and wrap
my function with an IF with those same conditions. I hope this will not
result in any noticeable difference in speed.

It is rather unfortunate that one can end up with a schema that a backup
with pg_dump cannot be restored. Feel free to keep my example for
regression testing when postgres does grow the ability to schema-qualify
such operators.

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