On Thu, 2024-02-22 at 17:18 +0530, Sasmit Utkarsh wrote: > Perhaps, the issue I wanted to highlight here is that I get the same entry > working > when I switch user to "pgddb_admin" and not when change user with same > privileges > as PGUSER "shc_uadmin" I get the message in the error log like > "<3>3343433-[ERROR] SELECT nextval Failed [../tpfasm.c:3561:get_pool_fa]" > even though i see the next val from db. Please see below when logged in to > the db > and snippet of the code lines where it was throwing the error. > > [shc_user@cucmtpccu1 ~]$ psql "host= cucmpsgsu0.postgres.database.azure.com > port=5432 dbname=mshcd user=shc_uadmin password=abc123 sslmode=require > options=--search_path=shc,public" > psql (16.1, server 15.4) > SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, > compression: off) > Type "help" for help. > mshcd=> SELECT nextval('unassigned_pool_fa'); > nextval > ------------- > -1811939322 > (1 row) > > > code snippet: > 3555 } else { > 3556 LOG_WARN("No File_address is found with > status=free"); > 3557 //If no free address is found, get the next > value available address from the sequence > 3558 PQclear(res); > 3559 res = PQexec(conn, "SELECT > nextval('unassigned_pool_fa');"); > 3560 if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { > 3561 LOG_ERROR("SELECT nextval Failed"); > 3562 LOG_DEBUG("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"); > 3563 res = PQexec(conn,"ROLLBACK > TRANSACTION"); > 3564 PQclear(res); > 3565 return 0; > 3566 }
To debug that, get the actual error message using PQerrorMessage(). That should tell you what is going on. Perhaps the sequence is not on your "search_path", and you should qualify the name with the schema. Yours, Laurenz Albe