Adrian Klaver <> writes:
> On 2/17/24 09:49, Kerr Livingstone wrote:
>> Postgres version 6.2 …

> Yikes.

Indeed.  I strongly suspect that the OP actually means 16.2.

> I believe you are looking at downloading the source:

Yeah, it's clear from

that Devrim has stopped building new PG branches for RHEL7,
and I also see the announcement of that:

However, all is not lost.  My answer to this would be to construct an
SRPM for 16.2 on RHEL7 yourself.  Downloading Devrim's SRPMs for 15.x
on RHEL7 and 16.2 on RHEL8 and diff'ing the .spec files would be a
pretty good guide to how to adapt the 16.2/RHEL8 SRPM for RHEL7.
If you've never worked with deconstructing SRPMs or building binary
packages from one, now is a good time to learn.  Being able to do this
sort of thing is one of the fundamental advantages that open-source
distros have over closed-source ones, so you shouldn't ignore it.

                        regards, tom lane

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