Ayush Vatsa <ayushvatsa1...@gmail.com> writes:
> Just two follow up queries regarding this -
> 1. Suppose I created a new version 1.1 in which I reduce the C function to
> throw an error then ship it, will users get the .c latest file immediately
> and their old function will throw error but they have to use ALTER
> EXTENSION xyz UPGRADE TO 1.1 to use the latest objects defined in 1.1.sql.
> Is this the correct understanding?

Yes, if you do it like that then once they install the new shlib their
function will be broken until they do ALTER EXTENSION UPGRADE.

> 2. While going through the contrib folder I find that in the regress test
> there are two .out files with respect to a single .sql file, example
> citext.out and citext_1.out wrt citext.sql. Why is it so? Even in git blame
> , I couldn't find much!

We use that when the expected test output is environment-dependent.
If the diff between the .out files isn't pretty self-explanatory,
you can try checking the git log for the "_1.out" file to see why it
was created.

                        regards, tom lane

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