Hi there,

on PostgreSQL 14, I'm using function pg_read_file to read a JSON file on the server. After that, the JSON file gets casted to jsonb and with function jsonb_array_elements I'm iterating over the "records", which I transform into a PostgreSQL ROWTYPE with jsonb_populate_record...

Since the source files are actually XML files, these are turned into JSON files with Node JS and the fast-xml-parser module (processing JSON is much faster and more comfortable than processing XML in PostgreSQL).

The command line of this conversion process is like this:

# node /opt/my_node_apps/xml_to_json.js <path_to_xml_file>

In order to do this without temporary JSON files (which need to be deleted at some time), it would be great to have a new Generic File Access Function


Although one could argue, that it's not a Generic *File* Access Function, that function would be a worthwhile addition and could use the same semantics and rules as with the

COPY table_name FROM PROGRAM 'command'

statement. Also the implementation (running a command with the shell and capture it's STDOUT) is nearly the same.

In contrast to the other Generic File Access Functions, it will be almost impossible to restrict access to programs or commands within the database cluster directory (could be a complex shell command). Aside from that this makes no sense since, typically, there are no executable programs in those directories.

Even worse, it's likely also not possible to restrict the source of the content read (the STDOUT) to be any of these directories, since the program could just dump anything to its STDOUT.

AFAIT, that's not really an issue but only makes this new Generic File Access Function special, in that these restrictions and the meaning of role pg_read_server_files just do not apply for it.

Do you know if there is already such a function, maybe provided by an extension I do not yet know?


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