On Monday, 29 January 2024 at 09:06, Ron Johnson <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> 

> That's kinda like being asked to prove that rocks always fall when you drop 
> them. Either you trust physics, because physics has always worked, or you 
> must watch every rock, because next time it might not fall. The analogy is 
> slightly flawed, since we always check the pg_dump and pg_restore return 
> codes, since something else might impact their function.
> But if you still need evidence, here's what I'm doing to verify table and 
> record counts during a 9.6 -> 14 migration. You'll have to modify it for your 
> purpose.

Thanks Ron !

I must admit that I am willing to trust pg_dump / pg_restore, mostly for the 
reasons Adrian Klaver implied.

However your script is likely the very thing I was looking for in terms of belt 
& braces.  So I appreciate you publishing it as a source of inspiration !

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