On 12/19/23 12:14, veem v wrote:
Thank you for the confirmation.

 So at first, we need to populate the base tables with the necessary data (say 100million rows) with required skewness using random functions to generate the variation in the values of different data types. Then in case of row by row write/read test , we can traverse in a cursor loop. and in case of batch write/insert , we need to traverse in a bulk collect loop. Something like below and then this code can be wrapped into a procedure and passed to the pgbench and executed from there. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Also can you please guide how the batch(say batch size of ~1000) Insert can be written ?

-- Row by row write
 FOR i IN 1..total_rows LOOP
        data_row := (SELECT
            floor(random() * 100)::INT,
            random() * 1000::NUMERIC,
        INSERT INTO BASE_TABLE(column1, column2, column3, column4)
        VALUES (data_row.column1, data_row.column2, data_row.column3, data_row.column4);

--Row by row read
    FOR i IN 1..total_rows LOOP
        -- Row by row read
        SELECT * INTO data_row FROM BASE_TABLE WHERE limit 1;

This row by row is guaranteed to be slow if there's no index on the 100M rows
-- Batch read
    -- Batch read
    OPEN data_set FOR SELECT * FROM BASE_TABLE LIMIT total_rows;
    CLOSE data_set;

Does this batch read in the entire 100M row table? And some suspicious syntax

PS: Notice that top posting is frowned upon on this list.

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