\copy in psql just wraps PostgreSQL's COPY FROM STDIN.

if you are trying to do it from your own client program it is trivial to
change to that call instead.

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 4:09 PM Vincent Veyron <vincent.vey...@libremen.org>

> On Fri, 8 Dec 2023 10:45:28 -0500
> David Gauthier <dfgpostg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to run a PG client side "\copy" command from a perl script.  I
> > tried using $dbh->do("\\copy ...") but it barffed when it saw the '\'...
> > ERROR:  syntax error at or near "\"
> >
> > I can do this with a command line approach, attaching to the DB  then run
> > using...
> Duh! I just realized that what I proposed with system() is a command line
> approach.
> As David Johnston mentionned, you can use the SQL COPY command.
> However, you need then to deal with permissions so that the server may
> write the file, so I wonder what approach is cleaner?

I wouldn't do COPY FROM FILE in that case.  I would do COPY FROM STDIN and
hten write the data.

Here's the general docs in the DBD::Pg module:

The general approach is to COPY FROM STDIN and then use pg_putcopydata for
each row, and finally pg_putcopyend to close out this.  It's not too
different from what psql does in the background.

> --
>                                         Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron
> https://marica.fr
> Logiciel de gestion des contentieux juridiques, des contrats et des
> sinistres d'assurance

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Chris Travers

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