hello, thank you for answering, it's not a typo, in the attachments you can see that this is actually my collation, algo a pic of the problem for more clarification, thank you all best regards
El sáb, 9 dic 2023 a las 1:01, Laurenz Albe (<laurenz.a...@cybertec.at>) escribió: > > On Fri, 2023-12-08 at 23:58 -0500, Igniris Valdivia Baez wrote: > > hello, I have an ETL process collecting data from a postgresql > > database and xls files and inserting in a postgresql database that > > process occurs great in a local DB in postgres 14 with UTF8 > > codification and Spanish_Cuba.1952 collation but when I execute that > > process in dev which is in postgres 15 and UTF8 with collation > > en_US.utf8 the words with accents and ñ looks like an interrogation > > symbol, what can I do to fix this? > > If the data you are sending are encoded in WINDOWS-1252 (I assume that > "1952" is just a typo), you should set the client encoding to WIN1252, > so that PostgreSQL knows how to convert the data correctly. > > You can do that in several ways; the simplest might be to set the > environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING to WIN1252. > > Yours, > Laurenz Albe