On 11/27/23 16:18, H wrote:
On November 27, 2023 6:58:40 PM GMT-05:00, Adrian Klaver
<adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:
The link to the pgxn client on the arkhipov's page leads to a non-functioning
website: pgxnclient.projects.pgfoundry.org.
Does anyone if the pgxn client can be found somewhere else?
PGXN Client
Is there a command-line client for installing extensions from PGXN?
There is! Install it with this command:
sudo easy_install pgxnclient
Then you can install PGXN extensions with a simple command:
pgxn install pair
Run pgxn help to get a list of supported commands; or check out the
introductory blog, the complete documentation or the source code.
Adrian Klaver